Sales Go-To-Market
Udførsel & validering af Go-To-Market salg
Få udført, testet og valideret salg til nye markeder, segmenter, lande og nye ydelser. Formålet er at afklare de mest effektive og skalérbare salgsindsatser.
3 faser i Sales
Formålet med Sales Go-To-Market er at få erfaring, data og indsigt i hvad der virker, og hvad der ikke virker i salgsindsatser. Typisk anvendes Sales GTM når man:
- RÅbner outbound salgskanal
- RLancerer nye ydelser
- RÅbner nye markeder
- RÅbner i nye lande
- RLancerer nye kampagner
- RÅbner nyt krydssalg
Vi har også eksempler på anvendelse af Sales GTM i tilfælde, hvor man endnu ikke har ‘knækket koden’ til en effektiv og skalerbar salgsindsats.
Joakim Steenfos
CEO & Co-Founder, Radiant

Preparing Sales Go-To-Market: 4 weeks
Understanding & Defining your
- Business & PurposeUnderstanding of your business and what you want to achieve
- Client Problems & SolutionsIdentifying the problems you help solve for clients and how you solve them
- Client Types & Use-CasesAnalyzing your primary client types and collecting use cases to match these
- Competitive LandscapeUnderstanding how you differentiate from your 3 main competitors
- Sales Setup & Sales PerformanceIdentifying and benchmarking sales activity and sales output
- Target Market with Contact InformationDefining and categorizing Ideal Target Market with stakeholder, company, and digital behavioral info uploaded in CRM.
- Ideal Customer ProfileDefining and categorizing Ideal Target Market with stakeholder, company, and digital behavioral info uploaded in CRM.
- 5-Point-Pitch Model:Our sales communication framework tailored for you to be relevant in every client interaction Analyzing your primary client types and collecting use cases to match these 1) Unique: Demonstrate client insight 2) Problem: Sell the problem 3) Trend: Highlight into trend 4) Solution: Perspectivate the ‘why’ 5) FOMO: Others like them act
- Efficient Sales Process setupGet an actionable, behavioral, and frictionless sales process tailored to your customer journey and sales team
- Performance Dashboard & GamificationMotivating notifications to stimulate daily sales activity and overview of performance on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis for operations, management, and investors.
- Defining campaigns3 different campaigns to test and match ‘Ideal Target Market’ with 5-Point-Pitch-Model to validate client relevance
Growth Team to match your business & market
Executing Sales Go-To-Market: 16 weeks
Sales Growth Team:
- ProspectingWe use our 3-layered prospecting approach: 1) Reasearch: company and stakeholders(s) to evaluate ICP fit 2) Pre-Qualify: identify best sales channel, triggers, intent, relationships, use-case similarities, and timing 3) Craft relevance: Match 5-Point-Pitch-Model with step 1 and 2 to engage with high relevance
- Outbound salesWe call and engage with the stakeholder(s) over a period of time with typically 7-20 touch-points. When the timing is right we book and qualify the first meeting. 3 days before the first meeting we post-qualify to increase relevance.
- Attending Sales Meetings/DemosStart-meeting we facilitate the introduction to summarize pain points and relevance – and set you up for success. Mid-meeting we help adressing the right questions and secure relevant structure. End-meeting we secure wrap-up and next steps.
- Collecting Qualitative dataBesides automatically collecting all quantitative client and sales activity data we log and categorize qualitative feedback
- Managing PipelineWe manage, advice, and execute actions to drive pipeline progress and deal acceleration to increase sales velocity
- Bi-Weekly Sales EvaluationA session to: 1) Evaluate sales activity and sales performance 2) Pipeline Management 3) Improve outbound sales 4) Product, Use-Case, and Market updates
- Creation of Dynamic Sales PlaybookSales Playbook directly in your CRM that includes: 5-Point-Pitch-Model, References, Use-Cases, USP’s, VP’s, Objections, Question-Framework, Product-Mix, and Competitor Comparison, Ideal Customer Profiles.
Expected Direct Results
- 200-1.000 Contacted ICP targetsThe results depends on your business, offerings, market, client types, sales cycle, pricing, and much more. Regardless of the situation, we must at least ensure that Sales Go-To-Market generates a 1-to-1 return within the average time of your sales cycles + 3 months.
- 20-100 Meetings/Demos TargetsThe results depends on your business, offerings, market, client types, sales cycle, pricing, and much more. Regardless of the situation, we must at least ensure that Sales Go-To-Market generates a 1-to-1 return within the average time of your sales cycles + 3 months.
- 2-10 Won dealsThe results depends on your business, offerings, market, client types, sales cycle, pricing, and much more. Regardless of the situation, we must at least ensure that Sales Go-To-Market generates a 1-to-1 return within the average time of your sales cycles + 3 months.
Growth Team to match your business & market
Validating Sales Go-To-Market: 4 weeks
- Ideal Customer ProfileA complete definition of your Ideal Customer Profiles
- Final Sales PlaybookSales Playbook directly in your CRM that includes: 5-Point-Pitch-Model, References, Use-Cases, USP’s, VP’s, Objections, Question-Framework, Product-Mix, and Competitor Comparison, Ideal Customer Profiles.
- Hit-Rate (Touchpoints pr. booked meeting)A predictable methodology to measure sales activity needed to generate self-sourced meetings/leads.
- Win-Rate (Expected ratio pr. meeting to win)A projected methodology to measure win-rate based on sales activity and sales meetings.
- CAC (Customer Acqusition Cost)A projected methodology to measure your total commercial spend to acquire new customers.
- Qualitative Potential Client feedbackProcessed and structured overview of client feedback mapped into each step of your sales process.
- Competitive Landscape MapCategorized overview of client feedback on pros and cons from your 3 main competitors.
- Pipeline Management StructureA framework to manage, advice, and execute actions to drive pipeline progress and deal acceleration to increase sales velocity.
- Sales Performance RecommendationsRoadmap with top 5 priorities to increase Sales Performance.
- Sales Go-To-Market RecommendationsRoadmap with top 5 priorities to Succeed penetrating a new market/country/segment.
Growth Team to match your business & market
Scope & intro til
Sales Go-To-Market
Radiant Growth Teams
Matcher vækstbehov
Salgscoaching af høj kvalitet
Vi har arbejdet med Radiant i ca. tre år nu. De har et meget professionelt team af salgscoaches. Altid velforberedte og motiverede. Har vist topmoderne salgsekspertise. Gennemsigtige salgsmål og vejledning til hver partner i firmaet. Min bedste anbefaling af Radiant.
Ramazan, Partner
Baker Tilly
Fremragende HubSpot-samarbejde med Radiant!
Radiant har hjulpet os med at implementere HubSpot Sales & Marketing hub. De gjorde et fremragende stykke arbejde med at forstå vores salgsproces, hjælpe os med at optimere den og implementere den i HubSpot, hvilket skaber værdi i hele økosystemet. Jeg er ikke i tvivl om, at dette vil sikre vækst i den nærmeste fremtid. Jeg kan helhjertet anbefale Radiant som HubSpot-partner.
Martin, CSO
Salgstransformation og CRM-implementering
Radiant er en fantastisk partner til vores salgstransformationsproces. Teamet er meget dedikeret, indsigtsfuldt og hjælpsomt og har en stærk kommerciel tankegang. De har hjulpet os med f.eks. automatisering af e-mailmarketing, salgsmateriale og CRM-implementering og med at fokusere på en datadrevet tilgang. Vi er glade for at kunne anbefale Radiant.
Thomas, Chief Architect & Partner
Stærk salgstransformation og CRM implementering
Christian, Medstifter & Direktør
Fokus på hands-on salgssucces gennem CRM!
Jeg har oplevet Radiant som en kompetent, engageret og kommercielt tænkende partner med fokus på at opnå “hands-on” salgssucces. Det sker bl.a. gennem CRM i integration med andre salgssystemer, som er forankret i både salgsstrategien og salgsprocessen. Varme anbefalinger fra mig.
Steen, Managing Director
Sales Excellence Mestrer
Henning, CCO
Sales Go-to-Market
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