HubSpot & AI

Artificial intelligence has changed the business world and it will also change the way you use your CRM system. With HubSpot & AI, you get the most powerful combination when it comes to streamlining your sales, marketing and customer success. Read more about how HubSpot revolutionizes the use of AI in your CRM system.

Image of ChatGPT logo, ChatSpot AI, and other AI tools for HubSpot

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is about letting computers perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. It covers machine learning, where computers learn from data, and an advanced form of machine learning. AI is used in various industries to streamline processes, improve sales, marketing and customer service.

Here we will look at what AI is in relation to HubSpot and how you can use it to improve the above areas and your entire commercial setup.

HubSpot’s AI Solutions

ChatSpot AI

ChatSpot AI runs on OpenAI’s GPT model and improves your sales and marketing efforts. It can provide data insights and personalized workflows that help evolve your CRM to fit your goals in a more efficient way. If you want to automate some of the more manual tasks, try ChatSpot AI

ChatSpot AI uses HubSpot, ChatGPT and your prompt
Content Assistant

Content Assistant?

HubSpot‘s Content Assistant, built on OpenAI’s GPT model, helps your content team increase their efficiency by generating texts for blogs, landing pages and marketing emails. This tool helps you save time and never have a blank page when writing your next email, landing page text or ad copy – if you haven’t tried content assistant, you’re missing out!


Benefits from Radiant

HubSpot Partner Platform

Unique HubSpot Platform

We don’t just implement HubSpot Platforms – we make sure they grow with you.

HubSpot Partner Price

The best package & price

Radiant is the top-ranked HubSpot Partner to define and structure the best deals.

HubSpot Partner Insights

Best HubSpot Insights

Radiant is a top-ranked HubSpot partner with +30 certifications and a highly certified trainer.

HubSpot Partner data

Unique HubSpot Data

Data from +15,000 Nordic sales processes to guide you to what really works.

AI Forecasting

That’s right, the problem of guessing future sales, which deals will close and which won’t, is over – thanks to AI forecasting in HubSpot. So if you work in sales, which most HubSpot users do, take a look at the video to the right and see if AI forecasting is something you should implement.

Talk to our CEO, Joakim, who has integrated AI into several CRM systems.

Five tips to get started with AI

After INBOUND 2023, Joakim, our CEO and co-founder, spoke with HubSpot Professor Marc D. Hans about Joakim’s five tips for getting started with AI and what mistakes he sees companies make when trying to implement AI in HubSpot.

Our solutions

HubSpot Implementation

  • RBest packages and prices
  • Rcustomized funnels that convert leads
  • RA platfrom that's easy to use

HubSpot as a Service

  • RAutomations & segmentations
  • ROptimizations, synergies and best practices
  • RGamification, training, & support

Sales as a Service

  • RMore relevant sales meetings
  • RMore ICP leads in your pipeline
  • RCustomers and revenue

Upcoming AI features in HubSpot

Picture of HubSpot transcription and how AI insights can help

AI Insights

AI Insights provides predictive AI features in your HubSpot so you can make better analytics and recommendations in HubSpot. On the right is an image of a conversation being transcribed here, AI insights will provide recommendations on where things are going well and where they’re not.

AI Assistant

AI Assistants, a tool in your HubSpot that helps you boost marketing, sales and service by crafting content, creating images, blog ideas, building websites and developing reports – and best of all, it can analyze data across your entire HubSpot platform and respond accordingly.

An image showing AI Assistant in HubSpota writing a draft post
Picture showing ChatSpot and how it can give you actionable insights with AI

AI Insights

AI Insights provides predictive AI capabilities in your HubSpot so you can create better analytics and data reports in HubSpot. As the image shows, this AI feature is connected to ChatSpot AI. Here are some of the things AI Insights can give you:

  • Summarizing conversations
  • Email resume
  • Improvements to your automation
  • Sales Forecast

Read about all the benefits of AI insights here

AI Agents

Take your customer success to the next level with B2B AI Agents, an AI tool. It will launch in early 2025 to help small and medium-sized businesses automate and improve their customer service via live chat and email.

This new feature is included in the HubSpot Service Hub.

An image showing AI agents in HubSpot

Benefits of using AI in HubSpot

Efficiency and effectiveness

It may sound like something a consultant would say, but that’s a major benefit of using AI in HubSpot. Remove all the manual work and start focusing on what adds value. There are some specific areas where AI can really help you:

  • Data reporting
  • Content creation
  • Data analysis
  • Sales emails
  • Creating VPs related to the industry


One of the areas where HubSpot can really benefit your organization is in automation, and with the help of AI, this has become much easier. AI can ensure data quality, which promotes the use of automations. Here are some of the areas where AI in your CRM system can create the best automations:

  • Pipeline, make sure automations consistently update every step.
  • Get customized email drafts based on industry, company metrics and stakeholder profile.
  • Ideation, with Open AI’s ChatGPT you can talk about your manual process and how you can automate the process using HubSpot and other tools like Zapier.


As mentioned above, efficiency is one area where AI can help you. But we want to show how AI can add value to your sales process. Through the use of AI in sales with HubSpot, you can:

  • Create a more efficient and adaptive sales department by using the latest software and challenging your salespeople to learn, develop and improve their work.
  • Skip the manual work of prospecting
  • Create a more personalized outreach, by using AI you can skip the manual work and focus on creating a more personalized outreach when writing your sales email or making your sales pitch.

HubSpot Partner Cases

Lasso X I SaaS

Lasso X I SaaS

HubSpot Implementation: Cooperation led to an optimal and tailored HubSpot Solution
Hemonto I FinTech

Hemonto I FinTech

HubSpot Implementation: Migrating from MS Dynamics to HubSpot took outbound sales to the next level

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“Radiant har demonstreret sort-bælte niveau i vores CRM implementering. Radiant er en ægte ‘Sales Excellence’ champion for ethvert selskab!”

HubSpot CRM

Henning, CCO


HubSpot Partner

“Radiant har demonstreret kunsten af salg og performance. Salg og måler adopteret af alle vores partnere. Mine bedste anbefalinger af Radiant.”

HubSpot CRM

Ramazan, Partner

Baker Tilly

HubSpot Partner

“En top klasse HubSpot onboarding. Engageret team og god service. Det har virkelig været en fornøjelse at arbejde med Radiant. Mine bedste anbefalinger.”

HubSpot CRM

Esben, CEO


Lasso X HubSpot

“Fantastisk HubSpot samarbejde med Radiant! Fantastiske til at forstå vores salgsproces og til at implementere HubSpot. Jeg anbefaler Radiant som HubSpot Partner.

HubSpot CRM

Martin, CSO

Lasso X

HubSpot Partner

“Hvordan giver jeg SEKS stjerner til de her HubSpot-Ninjaer? Fordi Radiant fortjener den ekstra anerkendelse for altid at levere ‘best in class’ arbejde”

HubSpot CRM

Kasper, CMDO


HubSpot Partner

“Radiant har implementeret HubSpot til enorm tilfredshed med et fantastisk overblik af vores salgsaktiviteter. Jeg vil give mine bedste anbefalinger af Radiant!”

HubSpot CRM

Christian, CEO



“Radiants fremadskuende eksperter skaber de ultimative ‘best practices’ til din næste vækstrejse. Resultat har været imponerende indtil videre med en ‘state-of-the-art’ tilgang.

Rasmus Pultz

Rasmus, CCO

COMA System

PriceShape Logo

“Radiant har været afgørende i at lave HubSpot som en central brik i vores vækstmoter. De var i stand til at forstå det komplekse og alle nuancer i vores forretning.

HubSpot Partner

Wesley, DSO

Dawn Health