Webinar: 5 do’s and don’ts for efficient B2B sales in 2023

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Udgivet February 8, 2023

With Radiant, HubSpot, Vainu, and Contractbook | 9’th of March.

With increased competition from multiple companies and a surplus of sales messages bombarding your prospects and customers, communication fatigue has become a challenge for sales teams. To avoid wasting time on unresponsive prospects, this webinar will provide 5 practical tips for effectively navigating and prioritizing your sales efforts in 2023. Attendees will leave with actionable do’s and don’ts to tackle the issue of communication fatigue.

Key Takeaways you will get

  • Segment: Learn how to segment for up to 4x more opportunities and double account engagement.
  • Marketing: Discover how to prime your segments instead of relying on hard lead conversion.
  • Channels: Learn how B2B companies should approach selecting the best sales channels.
  • Practical Sales: Gain a practical sales model to increase hit-rate and win-rate.
  • Existing Clients: How to integrate existing clients into new business strategies and adjust VP’s.

BONUS: Live Q&A – Take advantage of the live Q&A session to ask questions and get answers in real-time.

Join the webinar

Fill out the form and get access to the webinar.

(Can’t make it live? Don’t worry. We will send the recording afterward).

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